CABDyN Working Papers
The CABDyN Working Papers page lists papers intended for publication in peer-reviewed journals or proceedings volumes. All papers need approval by a member of the CABDyN Scientific Management Board. If the author, or one of the authors, is a Board member, approval is automatic. To submit a paper please create a PDF version of your paper and email it to info.cabdyn@sbs.ox.ac.uk |
© NOTICE: The working papers provided here are included by permission of the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely distribution of their scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
2013 -2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 |
Title:The Network Picture of Labor Flow
Author(s): E. López, O. Guerrero, R. Axtell
Title:The Ecology and Energetics of Hunter-Gatherer Residential Mobility
Author(s): M.J. Hamilton, J. Lobo, E. Rupley, G.B. West, H. Youn
SFI WORKING PAPER: 2014-09-034 |
Title:The Structure of Social Collateral: Embeddedness and Economic Performance in Microfinance
Author(s): N. Sabin, F. Reed-Tsochas
http://ssrn.com/abstract=2465634 |
Title: Invention as a Combinatorial Process: Evidence from U.S. Patents
Author(s): H. Youn, L.M.A. Bettencourt, D. Strumsky, J. Lobo
arXiv:1406.2938 |
Title: Transmission of Cultural Traits in Layered Ego-centric Networks
Author(s): V. Palchykov, K. Kaski, J. Kertész
ArXiv:1405.6009 |
Title:The Systematic Structure and Predictability of Urban Business Diversity
Author(s): H. Youn, L.M.A. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, D. Strumsky, H. Samaniego
Title: The Structure of the Toyota Supply Network: An Empirical Analysis
Author(s): T. Kito, A. Brintrup, S. New, F. Reed-Tsochas
http://ssrn.com/abstract=2412512 |
Title: Simulating the Synchronizing Behavior of High-Frequency Trading in Multiple Markets
Author(s): B. Myers, A. Gerig
arXiv:1311.4160 |
Title: Clustering Coefficients in Multiplex Networks
Author(s): E. Cozzo, M. Kivelä, M. De Domenico, A. Solé, A. Arenas, S. Gómez, M. A. Porter, Y. Moreno
arXiv:1307.6780 |
Title: Mathematical Formulation of Multi-Layer Networks
Author(s): M. De Domenico, A. Solé-Ribalta, E. Cozzo, , M. Kivelä, Y. Moreno, M. A. Porter, S. Gómez, A. Arenas
arXiv:1307.4977 |
Title: Enhanced Network Reconstruction From Irreducible Local Information
Author(s): R. Mastrandrea, T. Squartini, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1307.2104 |
Title: Cross-Linked Structure of Network Evolution
Author(s): D. S. Bassett, N. F. Wymbs, M. A. Porter, P. J. Mucha, S. T. Grafton
arXiv:1306.5479 |
Title: A Stochastic Feedback Model for Volatility
Author(s): R. Golan, A. Gerig
arXiv:1306.4975 |
Title: Convergence Time Towards Periodic Orbits in Discrete Dynamical Systems
Author(s): J. San Martín, M. A. Porter
arXiv:1306.5014 |
Title: Discriminating Power of Centrality Measures
Author(s):P. M. Rombach, M. A. Porter
arXiv:1305.3146 |
Title: A Simple Model of Collective Online Behaviour
Author(s): J. P. Gleeson, D. Celliai, J.-P. Onnela, M. A. Porter, F. Reed-Tsochas
arXiv:1305.7440 |
Title: A Method Based on Total Variation for Network Modularity Optimization Using the MBO Scheme
Author(s): Huiyi hu, T. Laurent, M. A. Porter, A. L. Bertozzi
arXiv:1304.4679 |
Title: Universal Doomsday: Analyzing Our Prospects for Survival
Author(s): A. Gerig, K. D. Olum, A. Vilenkin
arXiv:1303.4676 |
Title: Early-Warning Signals of Topological Collapse in Interbank Networks
Author(s): T. Squartini, I. van Lelyveld, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1302.2063 |
Title: Prey Switching with a Linear Preference Trade-Off
Author(s): S. H. Piltz, M. A. Porter, P. K. Maini
arXiv:1302.6197 |
Title: Noise-Induced Synchronization, Desynchronization, and Clustering in Globally Coupled Nonidentical Oscillations
Author(s): Y.M. Lai, M. A. Porter
arXiv:1301.0796v1 |
Title: Weighted Projected Networks: Mapping Hypergraphs to Networks
Author(s): E. López
Title: High-Frequency Trading Synchronizes Prices in Financial Markets
Author(s): A. Gerig
arXiv:1211.1919 |
Title: Core-Periphery Organization of Human Brain Dynamics
Author(s): D. S. Basset, N. F. Wymbs, P. M. Rombach, M. A. Porter, S. T. Grafton
arXiv:1210.3555 |
Title: Decentralized Routing on Spatial Networks with Stochastic Edge Weights
Author(s): T. Hoffmann, R. Lambiotte, M. A. Porter
arXiv:1210.0128 |
Title: The Doomsday Argument in Many Worlds
Author(s): A. Gerig
arXiv:1209.6251 |
Title: Two-Particle Circular Billiards Versus Randomly Perturbed One-Particle Circular Billiards
Author(s): S. Rankovic, M. A. Porter
arXiv:1209.3504 |
Title: Close Relationships: A Study of Mobile Communication Records
Author(s): V. Palchykov, J. Kertész, R. Dunbar, K. Kaski
arXiv:1208.3953 |
Title: Reciprocity of Weighted Networks
Author(s): T. Squartini, F. Piccioli, F. Ruzzenenti, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1208.4208 |
Title: Dynamic Network Centrality Summarizes Learning in the Human Brain
Author(s): A. V. Mantzaris, D. S. Bassett, N. F. Wymbs, E. Estrada, M. A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, S. T. Grafton, D. J. Higham
arXiv:1207.5047 |
Title: Dynamics on Modular Networks with Heterogeneous Correlations
Author(s):S. Melnik, M. A. Porter, P. J. Mucha, J. P. Gleeson
arXiv:1207.1809 |
Title: Spatial Effects in Real Networks: Measures, Null Models, and Applications
Author(s):F. Ruzzenenti, F. Picciolo, R. Basosi, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1207.1791 |
Title: Situational Context and Gender-Based Differences in Interaction Style
Author(s): , J.-P. Onnela, B. Waber, A. Pentland, S. Schorf, D. Lazer
Files: no preprint available
Title: Dark Solitary Waves in a Class of Collisionally Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein Condensates
Author(s): Ch. Wang, J. H. L. Kody, P. G. Kevrekidis, M. A. Porter
arXiv:1206.5146 |
Title: Foraging Under Conditions of Short-Term Exploitative Competition: The Case of Stock Traders
Author(s): S. Saavedra, R. D. Malmgren, N. Switanek, B. Uzzi
arXiv:1205.3124 |
Title: The Persistence of Social Signatures in Human Communication
Author(s): J. Saramaki, E. A. Leicht, E. Lopez, S. G. B. Roberts, F. Reed-Tsochas, R. I. M. Dunbar
arXiv:1204.5602 |
Title: Core-Periphery Structure in Networks
Author(s): P. M. Rombach, M. A. Porter, J. H. Flower, P. J. Mucha
arXiv:1202.2684 |
2011 -
Title: Generalized Master Equations for Non-Poisson Dynamics on Networks
Author(s): T. Hoffmann, M. A. Porter, R. Lambiotte
arXiv:1112.3324 |
Title: Null Models of Economic Networks: The Case of the World Trade Web
Author(s): G. Fagiolo, T. Squartini, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1112.2895 |
Title: Multi-Stage Complex Contagion
Author(s): S. Melnik, J. A. Ward, J. P. Gleeson, M. A. Porter
arXiv:1111.1596 |
Title: Tracking Trader’s Understanding of the Market Using e-Communication Data
Author(s): S. Saavedra, J. Dutch, B. Uzzi
arXiv:1110.5962 |
Title: Spreading paths in partially observed social networks
Author(s): Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Nicholas A. Christakis
arXiv:1106.5536 |
Title: Suppressing cascades of load in interdependent networks
Author(s): Charles D. Brummitt, Raissa M. D'Souza, E. A. Leicht
arXiv:1106.4499 |
Title: The Structure of the Toyota Supply Network: The Emergence of Resilience
Author(s): A. Brintrup, T. Kito, E. López, S. New, F. Reed-Tsochas
Files: [pdf]
Paper#: #11-05-012 |
Title: Advection, Diffusion and Delivery Over a Network
Author(s): Luke L. M. Heaton, Eduardo López, Philip K. Maini, Mark D. Fricker, Nick S. Jones
arXiv:1105.1647 |
Title: Reconciling Long-Term Cultural Diversity and Short-Term Collective Social Behavior
Author(s): L. Valori, F. Picciolo, A. Allansdottir, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1104.0186 |
Title: The Extraordinary SVD
Author(s): Carla D. Martin, Mason A. Porter
arXiv:1103.2338 |
Title: Randomizing World Trade. II. A Weighted Networks Analysis
Author(s): T. Squartini, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1103.1249 |
Title: Randomizing Trade. I. A Binary Network Analysis
Author(s): T. Squartini, G. Faggiolo, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1103.1243 |
Title: Analytical Maximum-Likelihood Method to Detect Patterns in Real Networks
Author(s): T. Squartini, D. Garlaschelli
arXiv:1103.0701 |
Title: Social Structure of Facebook Networks
Author(s): Amanda L. Traud, Peter J. Mucha, Mason A. Porter
arXiv:1102.2166 |
Title: Networks with Arbitrary Edge Multiplicities
Author(s): V. Zlatic, D. Garlaschelli, G. Caldarelli
arXiv:1101.2435 |
2010 -
Title: Cascades on a Class of Clustered Random Networks
Author(s): Hackett, S. Melnik, J.s P. Gleeson
arXiv:1012.3651 |
Title: Limit Order Books
Author(s): M. D. Gould, M. A. Porter, S. Williams, M. McDonald, D. J. Fenn, S. D. Howison
arXiv:1012.0349 |
Title: Generalized Methods and Solvers for Noise Removal from Piecewise Constant Signals
Author(s): Max A. Little, Nick S. Jones
arXiv:1012.5095v2 |
Title: How Accurate is Mean-Field Theory for Dynamics on Real-World Networks?
Author(s): James P. Gleeson, Sergey Melnik, Jonathan Ward, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha
arXiv:1011.3710 |
Title: Temporal Evolution of Financial Market Correlations
Author(s): Daniel J. Fenn, Mason A. Porter, Stacy Williams, Mark McDonald, Neil F. Johnson, Nick S. Jones
arXiv:1011.3225v2 |
Title: Community Structure in the United Nations General Assembly
Author(s): Kevin T. Macon, Peter J. Mucha, Mason A. Porter
arXiv:1010.3757 |
Title: A Taxonomy of Networks
Author(s): Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Daniel J. Fenn, Stephen Reid, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, Mark D. Fricker, Nick S. Jones
arXiv:1006.5731 |
Title: Complex Networks and Symmetry: a Review with Applications to the Evolution of World Trade
Author(s): Franco Ruzzenenti, Diego Garlaschelli, Riccardo Basosi
arXiv:1066.3923v2 |
Title: Growth-Induced Mass Flow in Fungal Networks
Author(s): Luke L. M. Heaton, Eduardo López, Philip K. Maini, Mark D. Fricker, Nick S. Jones
arXiv: 1005.5305 |
Title: A Mathematical Model for the Dynamics and Synchronization of Cows
Author(s): Jie Sun, Erik M. Bolt, Mason A. Porter, Marian S. Dawkins
arXiv:1005.1381 |
Title: Evolutionary Inference for Functional Data: Using Gaussian Processes on Phylogenies to Study Shape Evolution
Author(s): Nick S. Jones, John Moriarty.
arXiv:1004.4668 |
Title: Steps and Bumps: Precision Extraction of Discrete States of Molecular Machines Using Physically-based, High-throughput Time Series Analysis
Author(s): Max A. Little, Bradley C. Steel, Fan Bai, Yoshiyuki Sowa, Thomas Bilyard, David M. Mueller, Richard M. Berry, Nick S. Jones
arXiv:1004.1234 |
Title: Sparse Bayesian Step-Filtering for High-throughput Analysis of Molecular Machine Dynamics
Author(s): Max A. Little, Nick S. Jones
arXiv:1003.5535 |
Title: Light-Harvesting in Bacteria Exploits a Critical Interplay Between Transport and Trapping Dynamics
Author(s): Felipe Caycedo-Soler, Ferney J. Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga, Neil F. Johnson
arXiv:1003.2443 |
Title: Fluctuation-induced Collective Motion: A Single-particle Density Analysis
Author(s): Chiu Fan Lee
arXiv:1001.2684 |
Title: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Tree-based Theory for Networks with Clustering
Author(s): Sergey Melnik, Adam Hackett, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, James P. Gleeson
arXiv:1001.1439 |
2009 -
Title: The Spontaneous Emergence of Social Influence in Online Systems
Author(s): Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Felix Reed-Tsochas
arXiv:0912.0045 |
Title:Revisiting Date and Party Hubs: Novel Approaches to Role Assignment in Protein Interaction Networks
Author(s): Sumeet Agarwal, Charlotte M. Deane, Mason A. Porter, Nick S. Jones
arXiv:0911.0408 |
Title:Self-Organised Global Control of Carbon Emission
Author(s): Zhrnyuan Zhao, Dann Fenn, Pak Ming Hui, Neil F. Johnson
arXiv: 0910.1552 |
Title: Mutually-Antagonistic Interactions in Baseball Networks
Author(s): S. Saavedra, S. Powers, T. McCotter, M. A. Porter, and P. J. Mucha
Files: [pdf]
Paper#: 09-10-011 |
Title: Context-dependent Interaction Leads to Emergent Search Behavior in Social Aggregates
Author(s): Colin Torney, Zoltan Neufeld, Iain D. Couzin
arXiv:0909.3829 |
Title: Imitative Trust versus Indirect Reciprocity
Author(s): S. Saavedra, D. Smith, and F. Reed-Tsochas
Files: [pdf]
Paper#: 09-09-010
Title:Common Group Dynamic Drives Modern Epidemics Across Social, Financial and Biological Domains
Author(s): Zhenyuan Zhao, Juan Pablo Calderón, Chen Xu, Dan Fenn, Didier Sornette, Riley Crane, Pak Ming Hui, Neil F. Johnson
arXiv:0907.3600 |
Title: Party Polarization in Congress: A Network Science Approach
Author(s): Waugh, Andrew Scott; Pei, Liuyi; Fowler, James H.; Mucha, Peter J.; and Porter, Mason A.
arXiv:0907.3509 |
Title: Competition for Popularity in Bipartite Networks
Author(s): Beguerisse Díaz, Mariano; Porter, Mason A.; and Onnela, Jukka-Pekka
arXiv:0906.4675 |
Title: Dynamical Clustering of Exchange Rates
Author(s): Fenn, Daniel J.; Porter, Mason A.; Mucha, Peter J.; McDonald, Mark; Williams, Stacy; Johnson, Neil F.; and Jones, Nick S
arXiv:0905.4912 |
Title: A Dynamical Network Approach to Uncovering Hidden Causality Relationships in Collective Neuron Firings
Author(s): Blazej Ruszczycki, Zhenyuan Zhao, Neil F. Johnson
arXiv:0905.3061 |
Title: The Function of Communities in Protein Interaction Networks at Multiple Scales
Author(s): Lewis, Anna C. F.; Jones, Nick S.; Porter, Mason A.; Deane, Charlotte M
arXiv:0904.0989 |
Title: Nonlinear Waves in Disordered Diatomic Granular Chains
Author(s): Ponson, Laurent; Boechler, Nicholas; Lai, Yi Ming; Porter, Mason A.; Kevrekidis, P. G.; and Daraio, Chiara
arXiv:0904.0426 |
Title: Communities in Networks
Author(s): M. A. Porter, J-P. Onnela, P. J. Mucha
Files: [pdf]
Paper#: 09-02-009 |
Title: Internal Network Dynamics Prolong a Losing Battle
Author(s): Zhenyuan Zhao, Juan Camilo Bohorquez, Alex Dixon, Neil F. Johnson
arXiv:0901.1170 |
2008 -
Title: The Mirage of Triangular Arbitrage in the Spot Foreign
Exchange Market
Author(s): Daniel J. Fenn, Sam D. Howison, Mark McDonald, Stacy Williams
arXiv:0812.0913 |
Title: Effects of epidemic threshold definition on disease spread statistics
Author(s): C. Lagorio, M.V. Migueles, L.A. Braunstein, E. López and P.A. Macri
Files: [pdf]
Paper#: 08-11-008
Title: Master-equation analysis of accelerating networks
Author(s): D. M. D. Smith, J.-P. Onnela, and N. Jones
Files: [pdf]
Paper #: 08-10-007 |
Title: Sampling bias in systems with structural heterogeneity and limited internal diffusion
Author (s): J.-P. Onnela, N. F. Johnson, S. Gourley, G. Reinert, and M. Spagat
Files: [pdf]
Paper #: 08-10-006 |
Title: Rapidly detecting disorder in rhythmic biological signals: a spectral entropy measure to identify cardiac arrhythmias
Author(s): P.P.A. Staniczenko, C.F. Lee, and N.S. Jones
Files: [pdf]
Paper #: 08-10-005 |
Title: Community Structure in Online Collegiate Social Networks
Author(s): A.L. Traud, E.D. Kelsic, P.J. Mucha, and M.A. Porter
Files: [pdf]
Paper #: 08-09-004 |
Title: Relating the Microscopic Rules in Coalescence-fragmentation Models to the Macroscopic Cluster Size Distributions which Emerge
Author(s): Blazej Ruszczycki, Ben Burnett, Zhenyuan Zhao, Neil F. Johnson
arXiv:0808.0032 |
Title: Comparative Study of Social Network Models: Network Evolution Models and Nodal Attribute Models
Author(s): Riitta Toivonen, Lauri Kovanen, Mikko Kivelä, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Jari Saramäki, Kimmo Kaski
arXiv:0805.0512 |
Title: Transmission of errors in production networks
Author(s): S. Saavedra, J. Smart, F. Reed-Tsochas, B. Uzzi
Files: [pdf]
Paper #: 08-03-003
Title: Network automata and the functional dynamic network framework.
Author(s): D.M.D. Smith, J.-P. Onnela, C.F. Lee, M.D. Fricker, and N.F. Johnson.
Files: [pdf]
Paper #: 08-03-002 |
Title: Bias in epidemiological studies of conflict mortality
Author(s): N.F. Johnson, M. Spagat, S. Gourley, J.-P. Onnela, G. Reinert
Files: [pdf]
Paper #: 08-01-001