

CABDyN Project Profiles


Rowland Kao
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow
Institute of Comparative Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Glasgow

Rowland Kao is a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Comparative Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Glasgow. His main area of research relates to the role of demography in the spread and persistence of livestock diseases, such as foot-and-mouth disease, bovine tuberculosis, scrapie, BSE and avian influenza in poultry.

His research includes the development of theoretical models of disease transmission on social networks and applications to the transmission of livestock diseases using simple differential equation models, analysis of social networks, statistics and simulations. This research integrates demographic and spatial/geographic data for all large livestock and poultry in the UK, detailed information regarding the movements of livestock amongst agricultural premises and molecular epidemiology.


Institute of Comparative Medicine
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Glasgow

Tel: 0141 330 5770