

CABDyN Project Profiles

Alex Kacelnik
Professor of Behavioural Ecology, Department of Zoology
E.P. Abraham Fellow of Pembroke College
University of Oxford

Alex Kacelnik is Professor of Behavioural Ecology, Head of the Behavioural Ecology Research Group at the Department of Zoology, fellow of Pembroke College and a director of Oxford Risk Research and Analysis, a spinout company of Oxford University for the transfer of the scientific study of decision making to industrial contexts. He has been among the founders of the optimality approach to the study of animal behaviour while remaining a firm advocate of the study of behavioural mechanisms, and has proposed accounts of decision-making under risk that apply across the animal kingdom, including humans. He has recently coordinated a multidisciplinary two-year project on “The Sciences of Risk” at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Berlin, where biologists, economists, anthropologists and psychologists contributed from their diverse perspectives to a broad understanding of risk sensitivity. He is a member of the European Academy and has received the 2004 Cogito Prize for contributions to the integration of the natural and social sciences.  


Contact Details:  


Postal:  Department of Zoology
            University of Oxford
            OX1 3PS

Tel:       01865 271164