

CABDyN Project Profiles

Francois Collet François Collet
Assistant Professor of the Department of Human Resource Management
Ramon Llull University

Academic training
DPhil in Management. University of Oxford
Ingénieur Degree/M.Res. ENSIIE

Interest Areas
Social Networks
Quantitative Research Methods
Inter-Organisational Relations
Ecological and Evolutionary Models of Organisations

François has been working on social networks and inter-organisational mobility. He is currently investigating the relationship between inter-organisational social networks and the demography of entrepreneurial ventures.
In his doctoral thesis he examined how reliance on status in selecting alliance partners varies according to the seeker’s attributes in the global software industry.
He has also investigated the notion of intuitive or habitual action comparing the approaches of two important theorists: Herbert Alexander Simon in economics/cognitive psychology and Pierre Bourdieu in sociology.

Contact Details:

Postal Address:

François Collet
Av. de Pedralbes, 60-62
E-08034 Barcelona