

CABDyN Project Profiles

    Samson Abramsky
    Christopher Strachey Professor of Computing
    Fellow, Wolfson College
    Department of Computer Science
    Oxford University
Samson Abramsky is Christopher Strachey Professor of Computing at Oxford University. Previously he held chairs at Imperial College and the University of Edinburgh. He leads the Foundations group in the Oxford University Department of Computer Science.

His group's interests focus on the use of logical and semantical methods for modelling complex computational systems in a compositional fashion. A particular theme is the use of games as a way of modelling structured interactions between agents.

Another important current theme is the development of high-level methods for quantum computation and information.

Personal website

Contact details

postal    Department of Computer Science
             Wolfson Building
             Parks Road
             Oxford OX1 3QD

tel          01865 273 558