

International Workshop on Complex Agent-based Dynamic Networks
5 - 7 October 2003, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
The International Workshop on Complex Agent-Based Dynamic Networks (CABDyN) was held in Oxford on 5 – 7 October 2003 and is linked to an EPSRC funded initiative to establish research clusters in the area of complex systems. The particular focus of the workshop was on agent-based models which can help us improve our understanding of the dynamic behaviour of networks in different fields.
These fields of application range across the biological sciences, mathematics, the physical sciences, the engineering sciences, and the social sciences. Concrete examples of dynamic networks include manufacturing supply chains, fungal networks, and networks of scientific and technological innovation.
Contributions to the workshop addressed important advances in agent-based models of specific networks, novel measurements or observations of real network behaviour in a particular field of application, or original perspectives on the connection between empirical data and theoretical models in different areas. In addition to addressing current research in progress, contributors were encouraged to identify problem areas and challenges for future research. All workshop participants were asked to submit a paper and the papers were considered either for inclusion as a contributed talk or as a poster in one of the poster sessions. We would like to thank all participants for their contributions.

Workshop Programme pdf

The workshop was covered by The Economist

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